
2-Step Skin Thirst Aid

When waging battle with dryness, skin breakouts can happen at any moment when you neglect the special care for a healthy moisture level of skin.  Be always ready to give ‘Thirst Aid’ to your skin!

Step 1: Exfoliation removes the outermost dry and dead skin
Desperately applying moisturizers once your skin feels dry? Hang on… To rescue dry skin, first of all, we need to exfoliate the stubborn dead skin cells on the epidermis for a better absorption. Otherwise, all the beautiful moisturizing nutrients are clogged within the dead skin cells, accumulating a thick barrier blocking the delivery of moisture and nutrients.
My skin feels: When I know that this peeling gel is characterized by 100% natural ingredients, it is a great temptation that I cannot resist.  The super sweet corn cob deeply pumps up the moisture and removes the rough surface of skin. Just use a little and gently massage into my skin.  Some yellowish eraser rubbings (dirt and dead skin cells) come out. It has no heavy oils, giving my skin light and pure feelings.  Look at the mirror and feel so indulged with the egg-like slippery and tofu-like smooth texture of my skin.

             Ricco Di Nartura Micro Peeling Gel

Step 2: Intensive Hydra-Boosting treatments
Don’t miss the best moment to trap moisture underneath.  Skin’s barrier is loosened after exfoliation.  Wrap your skin with a moisturizing mask to penetrate the moisturizing nutrients deeply into your skin along with it repairing the dehydrated skin cells.
My skin feels: I really adore it, Albion Skin Conditioner Essential Paper Mask, which conditions my skin with the queen of grains, Job’s Tears seeds (Barley), which is known as the guardian angel for skin in China and Japan. The feature of this mask is to accelerate skin’s metabolism so as to regain moisture and healthy complexion.    Acne and blotch breakouts are less likely to happen and my skin’s immune system is regulated back on a right track to fight for the dry air.
            Albion Skin Conditioner Essential Paper Mask

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