
New Discovery about Night Cream

We should use night cream every evening, right? To moisturize our skin cos the evening is when the skin absorbs most and recovering and all that, right? Well, I just discovered a completely different theory about it from Dr. Hauschka. There are "7 facts that will change your skin". And that was the 1st fact which I just mentioned.

Let's see what it says:

Skip the night cream; your skin will thank you. While you sleep your skin is actually hard at work regenerating itself, balancing oil production and expelling impurities. Regular application of night creams interferes with these essential tasks, and over time skin becomes less able to care for itself. Covering the skin with moisturizer 24 hours a day sends a signal to sebaceous glands to cut down on moisture production, resulting in even drier skin that becomes dependent on moisturizing products just to appear “normal.”

A Dr. Hauschka regimen allows the skin to carry on its important night work. Balanced healthy skin needs nothing more than cleansing and toning before bed. Dr. Hauschka Rhythmic Night Conditioner is a water-based formula infused with rose essential oil and dynamic plant extracts that supports renewal and balances oil production. Use it for 28 days, mirroring and supporting the skin's natural cycle of regeneration to encourage a return to a healthy, balanced complexion.

Well, it does sound very logical, isn't it? I do always think that too much caring to the skin would "spoil" it, so I refrain to go to facial too often (in fact, I haven't been to one for FAR toooo loing time... :P). But skipping the night cream sounds a bit risky...

What about you? What's your usual evening skincare regimen? And will you skip your night cream and try out the Rhythmic Night Conditioner?


  1. Hi Louise, this piece of information is surprising me. I have serious "oily" skin problem no matter in winter or summer. Do you think it is because I have "overdosed" the night cream at night. Because my beauty consultant told me to apply a thick layer of night cream will help in skin recovery. By the way, I am really interested to try this "Rhythmic Night Conditioner". Have you tried? Where to bought it?

    Actually I have heard before that the Eye Cream can also be skipped, because eye cream's texture is much more similar as day cream, so just apply your daily moisturizing cream over eye area is also fine.

  2. Thanks for your comment. I would stop the night cream for a certain period like a week or two if I were you to see if the oily level decreases. I think this Rhythmic Night Conditioner will do you good as it's watery. COSME-DE.COM has it for cheap, go check!

    Sounds strange to put daily moisturizing cream to the eye area as it's so delicate, I suspect the trust-worthiness of the source of info. :P I would stick to my eye cream - right now, I am using Dermalogica's, it's good. I will write a review about it. Later, I will have an "Eye Series" on the blog, so keep an eye on it and come check often! Louise
