
Kate Kate Kate!

Hudson in Balmain following the U.K. premiere
of her latest film Fool's Gold.

Don't you just adore Kate Hudson? Ever since I watched her movie "Almost Famous" in which she was Penny Lane - a girl who tries to justify her existence and explain her values, i started to notice this charming actress. She played it well, a girl who seemed to be care-free but has a complicated inside world. I like her style in the movie, chic and casual.

And then the next one I saw her in was "How to lose a guy in ten days", a typical girlie movie which you have to force your boyfriend to watch with you. :) Although the story started out to be a game, but it's touching at the end. The best quotes from it:

Andie: Unattached?
Ben: Currently.

Andie: Likewise.
Ben: Surprising.
Andie: Psycho?
Ben: Rarely, Interested?
Andie: Perhaps.
Ben: Hungry?
Andie: Starving.
Ben: Leaving?
Andie: Now?

I just like her style - a mom who is natural and pretty and has the sweetest smile! She almost beats my Natalie Portman, almost. :)

Now the golden screen couple are together again in the new movie Fool's Gold, I am not sure if i would have time to watch it among my assignment and quizzes. Are you going to watch it?

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