
Insider Secrets – Make January Blues A Thing Of The Past!

- by Caroline Hastings-Brown -

January, oh January! All your promises of new beginnings and a fresh new year are noble, but as a month, I must say, you often do not deliver the goods! It is not uncommon to get the ‘January blues’, so if you are feeling a little down in the dumps right now, here is one thing to make you feel better instantly – YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

The January Trap

After all the excitement of vacation time and indulgence of the festive season, it makes sense that January feels a bit flat and dull. The waistline could be a bit bloated, the bank account a bit deflated and spirits on the downward spiral. And the funniest thing about us human beings? When we are down we tend to forget to the very things that can make us happier. When we are down, we tend to forget to appreciate the good things, forget to look after ourselves and each other and withdraw from life a little. All of these things will make you feel even worse. SO, do not fall into the trap dear heart! Love yourself, even in January and make sure you come out smiling!

Feed The Positive Vibes

So, to start with, feed yourself! Yes, feed yourself good, healthy, nourishing food. Omega 3 fatty acids found in oily fish and nuts have a very positive effect on overall mood. So does making sure you have folate from vegetables like broccoli and cabbage. And don’t forget to keep your immunity high by supplementing your vitamins. For an all-round vitamin, enzyme and beautifying placenta and collagen boost, treat yourself to a Vegie Acai Beauty Enzyme Smoothie every day. This powder contains enzymes from 180 different vegetables and fruits to give you all you need in terms of fibre, vitamins and minerals in a delicious smoothie. 

Sweat The Blues Away

It’s also no secret that one of the BEST mood enhancers you can have is a good ol’ sweaty workout. It feels like the last thing on your mind when you are feeling down, but if you push on through and make it happen you will have given yourself a major energy and endorphin boost. No one ever regrets a good workout after they have made it happen. Lace up your trainers, jam the earphones in and get all sweaty in the name of great health and enough endorphins to keep the blues far, far away.

Fraternise With Fragrance

Fragrances are another way to lift the spirits and enhance enough of a feel-good factor to tide you through the January blues! Use a spritz of your favourite scent every day, or light a beautiful scented candle at home after a long day. Try an Aromatherapy Associates Relax Candle with West Indian Bay & Myrrh. The luxurious and relaxing essential oil blend instils a sense of peace and tranquillity that soothes, calms and uplifts the mind when you need it most.  Crafted from natural plant wax, set in frosted glass, beautifully gift boxed and with approximately 32 hours of burning time, this is the perfect indulgent treat for January.

Map Out Your Path

One way to beat the blues is to feel confident that you are going in the direction that you want to go in. So, to ease the psychological burden that can often accompany a new year, sit down and write about what you want to achieve in 2017. By all means chart out bigger goals, but be sure to set out a few smaller ones, ones that can be achieved in the month of January. Achieving these will give a sense of accomplishment and pride that sets you up perfectly for the next set of goals. Goals can be around anything, remember to think about yourself as a whole and focus on areas that you may be lacking. Many self-development specialists suggest scoring yourself out of 10 in the following areas: health, money, social relationships, career, friends and family, physical environment and personal growth. Start by focusing on goals in the areas where you have scored yourself below 5 and work through for an overall increase in life satisfaction.

We’re All In It Together!

And like I said in the beginning, remember you are not alone! Reach out to others for help and support when you need it and be there for others who need you, and we will all slide into the rest of the year in style and happiness!

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