
Eye Skincare Products to Reduce Dark Circles

While the gothic look appeals to many of us at one or another time of our lives, dark circles under the eyes is not a good thing. Whether it is because you have burned the midnight oil in the club, you are just spending too much time in front of the computer working or studying, or another reason, if you have dark circles it can make you look tired and down. And that puts a little damper on your natural beauty!

Luckily, you can keep those pesky dark goggles at bay in quite a few different ways, and help is at hand! There are some excellent natural ways, which involve spending quite a bit of time in the kitchen, some surgical methods, both invasive and non-invasive, and some excellent beauty products that can all swoop to your rescue and get that delicate skin under the eyes just right. I am going to go through the natural methods and a few of the creams here.

Get thee to the kitchen girl!

It’s not often that you find quite so many remedies for a problem in your standard kitchen items, but this is one of those times you can! You can mix a teaspoon of tomato juice and a teaspoon of lemon juice, apply around the eyes, leave for 10 minutes and wash off. This is best done twice a day for 2/3 weeks. You can apply a little sweet almond oil every night, and wash off in the morning. The classic cold cucumber on the eyes twice a day for 2 weeks can work, as can 2 green teabags dipped in water, placed in the fridge and then over eyes for 15 minutes. Soak a cotton ball in cold milk and hey presto – you have yourself a beauty treatment! The ever-useful rose water can also provide relief (again, soak cotton balls into the rose water.) All these solutions should be done once or twice a day for around 3 weeks to see results.

The reasons that these ingredients all work in because of various properties in each of them – lycopene in tomatoes, lactic acid in milk, vitamin C, antioxidants and astringents all assist in reducing the dreaded dark circle.

If your answer to the kitchen story is PLEASE NO, then this is for you!

But! If you are not a fan of the kitchen, and you prefer your tea in a cup and your cucumber in your salad, there are some really fabulous products on the market that combine the benefits of all these ingredients in a convenient cream or soothing gel.

A favourite of mine is Dr BSC 2X VC Eye Whitening CreamMade in France, it is actually a medical cream that treats the skin and leaves it looking very fair. You use a tiny bit in the morning and evening, instant result! (By now I guess you have realised shortcuts and multi-tasking are my thing!)
My other go-to eye product is Clinique All About Eyes Rich. A very clever little formula that diminishes the dark circles, puffiness and fine lines immediately, and over time. It helps boost natural collagen production, even strengthening the skin's moisture barrier against common irritants. 

No problems, only solutions!

So, whether you are a ‘go natural’ DIY girl or a beauty product believer, there is a solution here for you!

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