
Tips to Improve Your Makeup Routine

Some women appear to be as accomplished as professional makeup artists when it comes to putting on cosmetics. There are no signs on their flawless faces of patchy foundation, clumpy mascara or over-blushed cheeks. For them, it all seems easy. If you are not one of those women, however, then don't fret. This article provides tips to help smooth out your makeup routine. 

1. Get the Right Kit 

A builder wouldn't attempt to build a house without having the right tools for the job, just as an artist requires the correct brushes to produce a masterpiece. Well, the same principle applies to putting on makeup. A product might promise a facelift in a bottle, but without a good set of brushes you are unlikely to achieve the immaculate finish you hope for. The correct kit will help ensure a more even coverage and blend products. 

There are numerous online articles and YouTube tutorials on makeup brushes, which will help you to choose the right ones for you. Also, before making a purchase, don't forget to check the packaging for cleaning instructions. Brushes will stay effective for much longer if you take care of them. Many can be washed. 

2. Improve Your Technique with Practice 

As with everything else in life, applying makeup gets easier the more you practice. So keep at it until you achieve the look you want, and don't be scared to experiment. If you need to, you can always wipe it off and start again. Unless you are feeling particularly brave, don’t experiment on days when you are in a rush to leave the house. When you are working under pressure, you are more likely to make mistakes. 

3. Clear Out Your Makeup Bag 

Even unopened cosmetics have a shelf life. Once a product is open, however, this is considerably shortened as oxidation and degradation begins. When it is past its best, makeup is likely to be less effective in providing the results you want. So you have to be brutal and throw away all of those out-of-date items. This will probably feel painful if you have spent a lot of money on a particular item, but you will look better for it. Another reason to discard old cosmetics is that they can irritate the skin and cause eye infections. Shelf life varies from product to product, so deciding when to replace items can be tricky. Luckily, there are plenty of guidelines available online to help you decide when it is time to reach for the bin. 

4. Choose the Right Products 

There are so many different cosmetics on the market that it can be difficult to know which ones are right for your skin. If you make the wrong choices, however, your look will be unnatural. The first thing you need to know is your skin type, because you will then be able to select a foundation that has been formulated for your needs. You must also choose colours that are right for your skin tone, otherwise they won't suit you. If you are not sure what your skin type is, free makeup consultations are available in many stores. Just visit the counter of a brand you are interested in and the staff will usually be happy to advise you. Also, make use of the free samples attached to magazines and testers in stores when experimenting to see what looks right.

Don't be afraid to make mistakes along the way. Most of us have had our fair share of makeup disasters, but it is important to recognize that trial and error will help you to perfect your look in the end.


Five Foods to Eat for Younger-Looking Skin

Maintaining a youthful appearance can be costly.  Between trips to the dermatologist's office and money spent on anti-aging serums, cleansers, and lotions, it is easy to shell out hundreds of dollars to make yourself look younger.

Fortunately, you can slow down your skin's aging by including certain nutritious foods in your diet. Here are five foods that can fight against skin aging and give you that youthful glow you've been seeking.

1. Oranges

According to a report published by the United States Department of Agriculture, a single orange provides all of the vitamin C your body needs for an entire day.  This makes oranges perfect for someone who is trying to appear younger.  In 2007, researchers for The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that vitamin C was linked to less skin wrinkling and dryness among middle-aged woman

2. Almonds

Nutrient-rich almonds are not only a healthy, satisfying snack; they can also improve the health of your skin.  As reported by the National Institutes of Health, a one-ounce serving of almonds contains 34 percent of your daily vitamin E, which has been found to shield the skin.  In 2002, researchers for Free Radical Biology and Medicine found that vitamin E protected human skin cells from ultraviolet damage.

3. Olive Oil

You have probably heard that olive oil is good for your heart; it might also keep your skin looking fresh.  A 2001 study in the Journalof the American College of Nutrition found that the intake of olive oil was associated with less skin wrinkling.  This may be a result of the healthy fats found in olive oil.  In 2012, researchers for PLoS ONE found that men and women were less likely to experience severe skin aging when they consumed monounsaturated fatty acids from olive oil

4. Avocados

Avocados contain fats that can protect your skin from the signs of aging.  In a 2011 study in the Archives of Dermatological Research, scientists found that fatty alcohols taken from avocados protected human skin from ultraviolet radiation damage.  As the study authors explained, ultraviolet radiation ages the skin by leading to inflammation and other damaging cellular processes. 

5. Apples

An apple a day could keep you out of the dermatologist's office. In 2012, scientists for Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity found that exposure to apples lengthened the lifespan of cells.  These scientists explained that apples contain both vitamin C and polyphenols, which can thwart the activity of damaging free radicals and prevent cellular aging.  This means that apples can also protect skin cells from aging.  

Researchers for a 2015 edition of the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology tested the effectiveness of a facial serum containing stem cells from apples and found that it reduced wrinkles in 71 percent of subjects, in addition to increasing skin density and elasticity.  

With apples, avocados, and other healthy foods being linked to benefits such as fewer wrinkles and less skin damage, it seems that youthful-looking skin starts in the grocery store instead of in the health and beauty department.  Stock up on these skin-preserving nutritional powerhouses, and you will protect both your health and your physical appearance.


Emergency Rescue for Winter Skin - 4 Natural Ways to a Healthier Complexion

The winter months can play havoc with your complexion. Biting cold winds outdoors, warm and dry heating indoors, not to mention the indulgences of the festive period – all of this can leave your skin feeling dry, flaky, and out of condition.

Cosmetics companies will try to tell you that their unique formulas are worth the high prices they charge, but for healthy skin that feels and looks great, nature often has the best answers. Here are 4 wholesome ways to give your complexion a winter pick-me-up.

1. Coconut Oil 

Coconut oil has been used for millennia in its native lands as a skin moisturizer, cleanser, and sun protector. It is high in natural saturated fats which strengthen the underlying structure of the skin, making it more supple and less prone to wrinkling and cracking. These fats also act as powerful moisturizers, locking in moisture below the skin surface and preventing it evaporating through the pores. Coconut oil also contains a substance known as capric acid, which has a mild anti-microbial action, promoting overall skin health and helping to prevent spots and rashes.

To use coconut oil, simply massage a few pure drops into your face after a shower or bath. It is absorbed more efficiently and works more effectively on damp skin.

2. Evening Primrose Oil 

This natural oil is extremely rich in Omega-6 fatty acids, which are essential building blocks of cell membranes, and promote skin elasticity. These acids are also vital in regulating the production of the hormones responsible for skin health, and trials have shown that evening primrose oil has beneficial effects for sufferers of acne, eczema, and psoriasis. 

This oil can be taken in capsule form, or rubbed directly onto your skin for a fast lift in tone and texture.

3. Green Tea 

Green tea is one of those supplements that has been somewhat over-hyped, and touted as a cure for all sorts of ailments. However, studies have suggested that the polyphenols it contains do indeed have strong benefits for skin condition, particularly in helping to reduce inflammation. One of the main benefits of green tea however is its strong anti-oxidant properties which are thought to help slow down the enzymes responsible for premature skin ageing.

Green tea can of course be taken as a drink, although topical application delivers the active ingredients to your skin more quickly, especially if you then use one of the moisturizing oils mentioned to lock the nutrients in.

4. Lavender Oil 

Lavender oil is widely used in the treatment of eczema and other skin complaints thanks to its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. It contains compounds that improve circulation and increase blood oxygenation, meaning it has an anti-inflammatory action and can soothe irritated skin. 

Lavender oil also has a calming scent; use this in combination with other oils to replicate perfumed lotions without the harsh chemicals that commercial cosmetics sometimes use.

There's nothing at all wrong with using light, neutral cosmetic lotions and creams as part of your daily skin care routine, but next time you're feeling swayed by tempting claims made for your complexion in a commercial, remember that nature usually knows best. Using these healthy, natural products either alone or in combination will have great long term benefits for both your skin and your pocket.


Makeup Tips to Perfect Your Look

There is no denying that well-applied makeup makes a positive difference to how you feel and the impression you give off by boosting confidence, adding instant glamour to your appearance, and helping to create an aura of sophistication. Given the benefits, it is in your interest to make sure you get the best out of your cosmetics. Here are three tips to help you do this.

When applying mascara, use the tip of the wand on the outer eyelashes. 

It is a minor step, but one that will enable you to fully coat those difficult-to-reach lashes, avoid getting product on your skin, and create a more professional-looking finish with greater lash definition.

Turn your attention to your smile. To perfect your pout, prime your lips before applying lipstick. This should prevent your lip color from bleeding or feathering (settling into the creases in your lips), and keep your lipstick in place for longer, which means you won't need to keep reapplying it. 

You will find a whole range of lip primers on the beauty counters in your nearest department store, but you don't need to go to the expense of buying a lip-specific product. You can use foundation or concealer as a primer instead.

Discover your favorite mascara here: List of Mascara on COSME-DE.COM

Dior Addict Lip Maximizer Collagen Activ High Volume Lip Plumper

Christian Dior Dior Addict Lip Maximizer Collagen Activ High Volume Lip Plumper presents a revolutionary lip care system that boosts volume instantly and restructures in the long term, thanks to a unique blend of hyaluronic and marine-based fillers. It can be used as a lip balm or as a primer before lip stick or lip gloss for full and lustrous lips. This Lip Pumper is also a winner of the 2012 Japan Cosme Cosmetics Award Best Overall Product Award. 

Christian Dior Dior Addict Lip Maximizer Collagen Activ High Volume Lip Plumper
Christian Dior Dior Addict Lip Maximizer Collagen Activ High Volume Lip Plumper

3. Let the shape of your face dictate the way you apply blush and then establish where on your cheeks to use the product. There are numerous online guides to help you in both of these areas, so it isn't difficult to learn what will work for you. Alternatively, visit one of the beauty counters at your local store. Staff will usually be happy to offer advice or a free consultation. Once you understand what suits your face, you are all set to use blusher to complement it.

Find your favorite blushes here: Makeup Blush at COSME-DE.COM

There is nothing tricky about any of the above tips, so you don't need to possess the skills of a professional makeup artist to follow them. It takes just a few tweaks to your usual routine to maximize the benefits of wearing makeup.


Three Simple Ways to Fight Stretch Marks

Stretch marks can be an unfortunate reality for women who have undergone surgery, had a baby, or experienced significant changes in their weight. 

With cosmetic procedures such as laser treatment and microdermabrasion costing hundreds of dollars, some women may feel hopeless and simply accept that they will have to live with stretch marks forever.

However, there are simple steps you can take to prevent and treat stretch marks.  Here are three easy ways to fight against stretch marks so you can feel more confident in your own skin:

1. Increase Your Vitamin D Intake

Getting enough vitamin D could stop stretch marks in their tracks.  In a study published in a 2015 edition of Dermatology Research & Practice, researchers found that women who experienced stretch marks after surgery had significantly lower blood levels of vitamin D when compared to women who did not develop stretch marks following the same surgical procedure.  

As the study authors explained, vitamin D is involved in skin regulation.  Keep your own skin looking healthy by taking a vitamin D supplement or by upping your intake of vitamin-fortified milk and cheese.

2. Turn to Almond Oil

The research has shown that almond oil can prevent the development of stretch marks. Scientists for a 2012 publication of the Journal of Clinical Nursing analyzed the impact of almond oil on the development of stretch marks in pregnant women.  Study results showed that women who massaged with almond oil for 15 minutes were significantly less likely to experience stretch marks.  

The women massaged themselves with almond oil every other day between the 19th and 32nd weeks of pregnancy and daily after week 32 to achieve this effect.  Find almond oil at a health food store or Internet retailer to stop the development of stretch marks.  

3. Invest in Bio Oil

Numerous products currently on the market claim to possess the ability to eliminate stretch marks, and it turns out that Bio Oil is in fact effective.  In a 2009 study in the journal South African Family Practice, researchers compared the impact of Bio Oil to that of women's normal moisturizing routines.   Study participants had stretch marks on their stomachs, and they applied Bio Oil to one side of their abdomen twice daily for 12 weeks, while simply moisturizing the other side.  

After four weeks, the women noticed significant improvements in stretch marks in the areas treated with Bio Oil, and objective laboratory tests showed significant improvements after just two weeks.  You can find Bio Oil, which is moderately priced, at most drug stores and mass retailers.

Bio-Oil Nature Skincare Oil

Bio-Oil is the No.1 selling and award-winning specialist skincare product that is clinically proven to improve the appearance of scars, pregnancy stretch marks, and uneven skin tone. 

Bio-Oil helps to improve the appearance of uneven skin tone caused by hormonal fluctuations, skin-lighteners or excessive sun exposure. Visible as dark patches on the face or body, uneven skin tone often becomes most apparent during pregnancy, menopause or after exposure to high volumes of UV light.
Bio-Oil Nature Skincare Oil
Bio-Oil Nature Skincare Oil

With products like Bio Oil, you can treat stretch marks at home without spending hundreds of dollars on cosmetic procedures.  If you are pregnant or preparing for a surgery, you can be proactive with measures such as taking a vitamin D supplement or applying almond oil.  If you are already experiencing stretch marks as a result of childbirth or weight gain, Bio Oil could significantly improve the appearance of your skin.  By using the aforementioned simple strategies, there is no need to undergo laser treatments or microdermabrasion.


Harness the Natural Beauty Properties of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has long been used to enhance beauty and treat common skin complaints, with an increasing number of celebrities now choosing this natural oil on their skin, hair and even teeth. Coconut oil is packed with nourishing vitamins and antioxidants, including vitamin E, which is well-known for its moisturizing properties. 

With a large pot of coconut oil costing far less than most branded moisturizing creams, coconut oil is also an excellent choice for frugal shoppers.

1. Face 

Coconut oil is a natural skin moisturizer that helps to repair damage, hydrate skin and replenish the skin's natural oils. 

Coconut oil is also packed with powerful antioxidants that help to prevent skin damage caused by free radicals, environmental pollutants and the sun. Antioxidants are also crucial ingredients in anti-aging products, as they help to prevent premature aging of the skin. As coconut oil contains anti-fungal and antibacterial properties, it can also be used as a topical treatment for acne and other skin conditions.

2. Teeth 

Coconut oil can be used as a mouthwash to whiten teeth and prevent tooth decay. Some coconut oil experts claim that a technique known as oil pulling can whiten teeth. 

Oil pulling involves rinsing the mouth with coconut oil for several minutes a day. The results of oil pulling vary depending on the amount of staining. The antibacterial properties in coconut oil can also help to prevent the build up of plaque, which can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. In addition, using coconut oil as a lip balm is an effective and natural way to prevent cracked or chapped lips.

3. Hair 

Coconut oil is an excellent hair conditioner that leaves hair feeling silky smooth. Warm coconut oil can be used as a hair mask, with long-lasting benefits from root to tip. The anti-fungal and antibacterial properties in coconut oil can treat dandruff and fungal or scaly scalp conditions, while the moisturizing properties and nourishing vitamins help to repair and prevent split ends. Simply massage the oil into the scalp and hair, cover with a towel or shower cap and leave for at least an hour before rinsing out. Coconut oil can also be used as a leave-in serum to control frizz.

Coconut oil is a natural, affordable product that provides a range of benefits for skin, hair and teeth. To achieve the best results, always buy organic and unrefined coconut oil from a reputable supplier. In addition, always perform a small skin sensitivity test before using on larger areas of the body.


5 Tips Lipstick Lovers Need to Know

Do you enjoy pampering yourself with a new lip color every now and then? Are you usually the first among your social circle to try the latest hot lipstick color?

You can enjoy pampering your pout if you know how to take care of your lips and your lip cosmetics. Review the following five lip tips to ensure your kisser is all that it can be:

1. Regardless of the quality of your lipstick, your lips will never look luscious if you don't smooth your lips before applying your preferred product. Especially during the cold winter months, lips can be rough and chapped. Gently exfoliate your lips before moving forward with your lipstick routine.

sara happ The Lip Scrub
sara happ The Lip Scrub

sara happ the lip scrub™ eliminates dry, flaky skin, leaving lips ridiculously soft and supple with jojoba oil and grape seed oil. Comforting, familiar, just downright delightful. Wonder how you ever lived without it.

2. If your lips tend to dry out quickly, opt for a creamy lipstick instead of matte. Not only will your lips look vibrant and kissable, they'll remain moisturized longer too.

Guerlain KissKiss Shaping Cream Lip Colour
Guerlain KissKiss Shaping Cream Lip Colour

Guerlain KissKiss Shaping Cream Lip Colour lets lips immediately regain their fullness and softness thanks to a formula enriched with plumping hyaluronic acid spheres. Commiphora oil helps smooth the lip surface.

3. Line your lips in their natural tone before applying lipstick (no, this isn't the time for a dark lip liner). A lip liner helps to frame your lips and anchor your lipstick in place.

Make Up For Ever Aqua Lip Waterproof Lipliner Pencil
Make Up For Ever Aqua Lip Waterproof Lipliner Pencil

Make Up For Ever Aqua Lip Waterproof  Lipliner Pencil has an extremely waterproof texture that allows it to reshape and emphasize the lip contours. It can also be used on the entire mouth, after applying a non-oily skincare on the lips.

4. If you want to get more wear out of your lipsticks, apply to the lip using a small, fine-point brush. The brush helps the lipstick to sink into the crevices of your lips, instead of just resting on the surface.
5. Lip gloss applied to the middle of your bottom lip can give your lips a plump look without the sticky feel of too much lip gloss. Just a little shine enhances your pout and keeps your lips moisturized.

Jill Stuart  Jelly Lip Gloss N
Jill Stuart Jelly Lip Gloss N

Jill Stuart Jelly Lip Gloss N transforms your upper lip into a "Cupid’s Bow", bringing you the aspect of an innocent angel with fragrance of Crystal Floral Bouquet. It spreads easily with the lightest touch, providing a full, rich luster, pure sparkle and plump impression. It is designed with diagonally cut tube which allows for easy application on the lips, and perfect coverage.

Whether you choose to wear a nude-toned lipstick or opt for a ravishing red, bearing the above-listed tips in mind will help you get the most out of your cosmetics. You can enjoy taking care of your lips and extending the life of your lip liners, glosses, and lipsticks too.


4 Ways to Save Money on Your Beauty Routine

Good-looking people are more likely to score higher-paying jobs and have their pick of dates, so it certainly pays to be beautiful. The good news is that you don't have to pay much to be beautiful. Do you feel like you're spending a boatload of money on your regular grooming routine? Here's how to save more of your dollars while looking as good as ever. 

1. Shape Your Own Eyebrows

Eyebrows are a main defining feature of your face, so it makes sense that you'd rather trust an expert than tweeze at home. However, eyebrows require regular maintenance and salon visits. If your aim is to save money, you must learn to handle this aspect of grooming on your own. 

One cheap hack is to go to a beauty salon, get your eyebrows shaped by a professional you trust, and then tweeze daily to maintain the shape over the following months. By doing daily maintenance tweezing, you can keep an attractive eyebrow shape indefinitely for free, or at least stretch out time between salon visits. 

2. Focus on Nourishing Healthy Skin

Expensive makeup products are used to cover up dull or blemished skin, but what if your skin looks so good you don't need to bother with applying layers of foundation every day? A good complexion can be cultivated for a minimal amount of money. 

Drink more water, prioritize sleep, exfoliate regularly, and moisturize if you are prone to dry skin. Focus on cultivating healthy skin, and you can have a soft, glowing complexion you won't want to cover up. Healthy, attractive skin drastically cuts down on the need for expensive makeup product. 

3. Use Cheap Skincare Alternatives

It's true that you can't have a good complexion without some product, and exfoliating face wash and moisturizing cream can be expensive. Fortunately, there are cheap alternatives. 

Diluted lemon juice mixed with regular sugar makes a fantastic, effective DIY exfoliant. Apple cider vinegar makes an excellent toner that keeps acne at bay. Olive oil, which matches skin's natural pH, can be used sparingly when your skin feels dry. These DIY fixes are far cheaper than expensive products and just as effective, if not more so. 

4. Wash Hair Less Often

Are you burning through your shampoo and conditioner at an alarming rate? Why not cut back? Your scalp will adjust to a more relaxed washing routine by producing less oil. Also, many attractive hairstyles work better on hair that has been left alone for a few days. Curly-haired individuals often find that a sparser washing routine actually enhances their curls and reduces frizz. 

Many women spend a lot of money on their beauty regimen, and you may be among those who are feeling the burn financially. Fortunately, you can still look like a million bucks while drastically cutting back on this portion of your budget.