
Hide That Hangover! Tips For a Fresh Look

The morning after a party, you won't be looking your best. One glance in the mirror, and you'll be praying for a transformation before that business breakfast with the boss or even before for your casual meet-up with pals from the party. 

Perhaps you'll try a couple of anti-headache tablets and a strong coffee, but check the mirror again and that washed-out ghost face will still be there. Here are some simple, cost-free ways to freshen up, tip to toe and inside and out, ready for your day.

1.  Bathe your face and soothe your eyes 

Water can work wonders for looks. Start with a cold splash over those heavy eyes to cool the swollen lids, and over your cheeks to stimulate nerves, tissue and blood flow.  Now treat your face to a steam bath over a basin of hot water. This will open the pores, plumping up and cleansing the skin, while easing your aching head. Soothe eyes with a warm, wet sponge or cotton wool, then take a hot shower, treating hair, neck and shoulders to a luxurious lather and soak. You're looking rosier already!

2.   Inhale fresh air 

Open the window or step outside for some deep breaths of fresh air. Stand tall and inhale from the ribcage, exhaling slowly. 
The oxygen will stimulate mind and body alike, and the exercise will wake your heart and lungs. The effect will be reflected in your eyes, lips, cheeks, voice and demeanour.

3.  Limber up 

However delicate you feel, you'll be better for a little exercise. Stand up on tiptoe, stretching legs, arms, back and head. Feel your facial muscles stretching, and the strengthening pulse in your temples. Jig to your favourite music, or jog round the yard, for extra colour and vigour.

4.  Drink water 

A short night can make you feel dried out and drawn, and a hangover will cause dehydration, so drink plenty of water, with top-ups through the morning, to ease the effect. 
A little moisturiser over face and neck will also help. Take some breakfast – however light – to warm you through and boost your energy. Leave teeth-brushing until afterwards, for extra sparkle.

5.  Let your hair work for you 

Make the most of your freshly washed hair. Comb it up and back as you blow-dry it to let the air through, then sweep it loosely down to your eyes and over your cheeks, if possible. Your rejuvenated locks will draw attention away from remaining hints of hangover, concealing them, too.

6.  Let your clothes help you 

Neat, tasteful clothes will compensate for a pasty face, so choose your outfit carefully. Soft, muted colours will blend with your pallor and set your natural colouring, but avoid drab or neutral shades. Add an eye-catching accessory.


Once you've had a wash, a stretch, breathe, dance and drink (of water), and dressed up smart for the day, you'll be surprised how much better you feel, and if you feel better, you'll look better. Relax and enjoy yourself. At this rate, you'll be the star of your post-party gathering, or the brightest spark in the office!

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