
New discovery! Orange peel skin improved!

I have 2 packs of sample of this Celluli Laser Biofibrine - High Precision Slimming Treatment for over a month, and it's only 2 weeks ago I used it for the first time. It has quite a strong sweet smell, and the palms are sticky after applying, so can't let it penetrate, need to wash hands afterwards.

You are supposed to use it for 10 days consecutively to see results, but lazy me, I just used that night and stopped for a week. Last night, I used it again and today, the celluli on the sides of my thighs seem less obvious...I know it sounds strange, but it's true! I never thought this kind of thing would work, I am a true believer in excercises (when I am not lazy :P). I will keep applying and will keep you posted about the results. I still have 1 pack left...

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    I am using Clinique make up remover (the purple one) but after using this wen under my eye. Before that I was not using any make up remover since I did none. Now I am very upset, what should I use? Do you think this is related?

