
Sesame Seeds 2

Last time I wrote about the nutrition values of sesame seeds (Sesame seeds make you healthier and prettier), but I didn't suggest ways to eat them, and I do think it's odd to eat them just like that...Thus, I did a small search online, and I found this on the net (mainly Wiki):
  1. Breads, including bagels and the tops of hamburger buns.

  2. Baked into crackers, often in the form of sticks.

  3. Sprinkled onto some sushi style foods.

  4. Whole seeds are found in many salads and baked snacks as well in Japan.

  5. Tan and black sesame seed varieties are roasted and used for making the flavoring gomashio.

  6. In Greece seeds are used in cakes, while in Togo, seeds are a main soup ingredient.

  7. The seeds are also eaten on bread in Sicily and France (called "ficelle sésame", sesame thread).

  8. Sesame (benne) seed cookies and wafers.

  9. East Asian cuisines, like Chinese cuisine use sesame seeds and oil in some dishes, such as dim sum, sesame seed balls (traditional Chinese: ; pinyin: mátuǎn or 煎堆; Cantonese: jin deui).

  10. A Hong Kong snack called "Cheong Fun", and it looks like this: (very yummy!) Lots of sesame seeds sprinkled on top!

So just take your pick, live a healthy life!

Be Happy
Be Pretty
Be the Beautiful One

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